McCallum Blowpipes - BP1

CAD79.00 each
McCallum Blowpipe Type

Bees Wax
Blowpipe Valve
Waxed Yellow Hemp - 2 oz

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Make sure that you are playing the right length and bore of blowpipe. If you are playing a blowpipe too long or short it will impact your ability to perform. 

The BP1 model is a basic poly blowpipe with button-style mount and no combing. Size and options are:

BP1/1 Not Combed Plastic Blowpipe - Wide Bore (Short)

BP1/2 Not Combed Plastic Blowpipe - Wide Bore (Standard)

BP1/3 Not Combed Plastic Blowpipe - Wide Bore (Junior Expandable)

BP1/4 Not Combed Plastic Blowpipe - Wide Bore BP1/5 Not Combed Plastic Blowpipe - Wide Bore (Junior Universal with Built-in valve)

BP1/6 Not Combed Plastic Blowpipe - Wide Bore (Standard Universal with Built-in valve)


These blowpipes do not include a mouthpiece, but you can easily add one to your order.