G1 Pipe Chanter - Regular or Bb: G1 chanter - Bb concert pitch

g1_chanterG1 chanter bottom
Common price: CAD225.00 Our price: CAD225.00 each
G1 Chanter Style

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The G1 Platinum Chanter has been designed and crafted to provide the highest quality sound with optimum comfortability. The chanter easily reaches the demands of the modern pitch, stability and tonal quality without having oversized holes. The G1 chanter was used by the Inveraray and District Pipe Band at the 2014 World Pipe Band Championships.

When ordering, be sure to indicate which model you prefer. It comes in a regular model, a higher-pitch model (recommended for grade 1 and 2 bands), and a special Bb model as used by The Red Hot Chili Pipers in their  for playing in concert pitch with other instruments.

Send us email for a band price if you are interested in a set of chanters.